GradGallery Exhibition this week

harmony exhibition held at gardens gallery by gradgallery artists


I am part of an artist collective called GradGallery – we all share a keen sense of design, art, and a degree from University College Falmouth.  What this means is that the collective power amassed in our most current exhibition will blow your socks off.  The exhibition is being held at the Gardens Gallery in Cheltenham everyday until the 17th July, open from 10am to 5pm. The artists showcase a range of styles and subjects, working with editorial, narrative, children’s, fashion and more.







My own work was created afresh,  inspired by the title of the exhibition.  The theme first took me down the route of music/instruments/singing birds and I came up with some bird characters playing with their physical properties.  Below is an example of my bell birds.


watercolour image of birds singing and playing instruments in a tree.


I also came up with the idea that relationships have a certain harmony, even relationships that are not the norm or are not appreciated through misinterpretation.  This led to my Twisted Love Stories.  I enjoy giving people a different perspective on things they think they know and Twisted Love Stories seemed to be a perfect vehicle for that.  For example, those of you familiar with The Spider and The Fly, I have my own version – ‘Mr. Bicuit’s Grisly Death’.  Ever wondered what happened when the birds and the bees get on down?  Cue ‘BeeBird Misfit’.


If your curiosity is piqued, then you better get yourself over to Cheltenham!  Private view is tonight, 6:30pm to 8pm.  I hope to see you!